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American Home Products - Primatene

Asthma sufferers require timely, easy to understand information to help them keep the disease from controlling their lives and the lives of those they live with.

This customer identification and loyalty program, created from scratch to meet the brand's needs, was based on a subscription offer for Clearing the Air, a custom-produced newsletter written to give asthma sufferers the kind of practical, useful information that could help them breathe easier and live better.


The two-step program started with the newsletter subscription offer on DRTV.

Respondents received a fulfillment package with a personal asthma questionnaire and a high-value product coupon. Return of the completed questionnaire – thus providing personal information for data-basing – activated the subscription.

Each issue of the newsletter was personalized to the recipient, and as much as 20% of the editorial in each issue could be customized for the individual.

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